What has been the most important thing you've learned at Leeds Conservatoire?

When I first arrived at Leeds Conservatoire I really struggled creatively. However, being surrounded by incredibly talented people on a day to day basis pushed me to bring out that creative side and start writing my own music.

What are you planning on doing next after you leave Leeds Conservatoire?

I have just had my first album released on streaming platforms as part of a short film I was working on. I'm working on a new concept album which should be releasing later this year as well as a whole other bunch of other opportunities.

Is there anything you've encountered over the last few years that has really made you push yourself as a musician or anything new that you had not tried before?

Before I started at Leeds Conservatoire I couldn't write music at all. Being encouraged to start creating has opened up a lot of new avenues for me.

What is the best piece of advice you've been given at Leeds Conservatoire?

To take every opportunity you can get even if you think you won't be any good at it. You might surprise yourself!

What has been the best project / opportunity you've had during your degree?

Working with some very talented filmmakers and spending time on set with them. It was really great to learn about all of the things that go on behind the scenes.

What has been the biggest challenge and how has this helped you develop?

Being asked to write music for the first time. Being someone who only had experience performing it was a big hurdle being asked to create my own music for the first time. I failed at it a lot, but I learned from those mistakes and practised hard and managed to do something I never thought I could.

What is your favourite Leeds Conservatoire memory?

Freshers’ Week was definitely a major highlight but I think that my favourite memory was meeting one of my heroes at a concert and being able to chat with him and add him on social media… we're still in touch!

What advice would you give to others thinking of applying to your course at Leeds Conservatoire?

Music Production is such a broad topic - it can go from working the desk in a studio to writing and creating your own music. Try everything you can, see what you enjoy most and don't be intimidated by it.

How would you describe your experience at Leeds Conservatoire in three words?

Life changing opportunity

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